Monday, February 06, 2006


Slept like a baby – literally.
This weekend after washing the sheets I decided to add an extra blanket on the bed underneath the down comforter. When I crawled in and sank into the memory foam it was perfect. Between the added weight of the comforter and the bed I was snuggled in - and I slept like a baby.

After the long slumber you would think that the bags under my eyes would go away – No. I think age is catching up with me. (my co-worker asked if I had long drill weekend- she meant no harm, but little did she know that drill was an eight hour day with very little stress and little physical activity)
I tend to wear stress on my face.
I need to break down and by a small jar of something very expensive to keep next to the night stand. I will keep you posted on the miracle cream purchase.


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