Thursday, July 05, 2007

What a weekend. Foiled out of town plans led us to get the dog below and for me to read a really great book and watch a new movie. I may a new favorite author, movie and house companion all on the same weekend.
One of the best movies I have watched all year.

Little Children
movie website
It is one of those movies at the end that you say, wow what just happened, And then later when you are standing in front of the kitchen sink you think about the characters and maybe what you would say to them if you ever met them. I may get this one again. It is very very moving. It is something to watch while your children are napping.

Lion Eyes by Claire Berlinski.
This is a very well written book, so much so I have ordered her two other from library. If you have room add it to your summer reading. It is drama filled with the CIA and travel and culture. A perfect blend like a good cup of coffee.


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