Saturday, January 14, 2006

Something’s in life you just cannot predict!

Something’s in life you just cannot predict! It is mid-January, the beginning of a three day weekend. The weather is almost perfect. It was warm today; I opened up all the windows and aired out the house a little. Yes, I still have the Christmas tree up. It is a live tree and it still looks and smells great. I will leave it up for a little longer.
School is going well and I am learning all I can about terrorism and counterterrorism. Midterm and presentations are tomorrow. We sure do live in a crazy world. We have a very long road ahead of us to make a significant dent in GWOT.
We officially mailed off the daughter’s registration form for the mission trip to Peru. We will wait and here back to whether or not she is accepted as part of the team. Then we will do some fundraising and see where we are at. She has her passport all ready to go!
She received the sweetest email today from a kid in her youth group tonight. He said, “I did not even notice you got your braces off until you had already left. You have a pretty smile.” How sweet! Not all kids would take the time to send a note like that.
I finished reading Love My Rifle More Than You by Kayla Williams. This is a soldier’s memoir of her deployment with the 101st. A great read, I could not put it down. Her stories and candid comments had me smiling; she is right on about so many things.
We are hoping to snow shoe on Monday, pending the weather. If not I could handle reading and relaxing all day! But would rather get outside if I can.
I have been keeping an eye on the Alito nomination process. Ted Kennedy is nuts. He needs to retire. Seriously. What is he thinking?

A quick good news story from Afghanistan -
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, Jan. 6, 2006 – U.S. forces dropped eight bundles of humanitarian assistance supplies near Bamyan in central Afghanistan to help hundreds of families there survive the harsh winter, military officials here reported.
The bundles consisted of winter clothing for men, women and children as well as beans and rice, cooking oil, tarps, health kits, took kits and blankets. Together the supplies weighed more than 14,000 pounds.
"As the cold winter months come to Afghanistan in force, we've found that we are in a unique position to help those who are suffering the most," said Air Force Lt. Col. Josh Jose, Combined Joint Task Force 76 deputy chief of operations. "The delivery of these items to Bamyan allows our forces in that area to ensure that numerous families would be safe from the elements as the winter months move on."
U.S. provisional reconstruction teams in the area are distributing the supplies with the help of local government leaders.


Blogger Melinda said...

Great good news story about the humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. :)

Congrats to your daughter for losing the braces...I had mine in the mid-high school years until senior year, I believe. NOT the look I was going for! :)

Good luck with your presentations! :)

Sunday, January 15, 2006 10:25:00 AM  

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