Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Bags are packed and we are drinking coffee.
The vehicle convoy will be lined up in about an hour.
It is a family affair and a big to-do.
We are carrying rations for a week for a 17 hour drive.
All preparations have been made, anything left unprepared will just be unprepared.
I am sure we will see a fair amount of road kill today, New Mexico and Western Texas fashion and many other bloggable moments. This trip is sure to bring good material. My daughter promises to write a book someday. We have several chapters dedicated to exercises such as these. I have packed 6 books and one bible and told my father in law that I bringing more books than underwear. You can always find extra underwear, but cannot always find a good book.



Blogger Jessi said...

6 books? Yeah, that sounds about how I used to travel before I got an Ebook reader. You need to get one! I love my Sony, but if you can get your hands on an Amazon Kindle, those are great too. Then you'll just have a slim little device to bring along -- and it can hold a whole library!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 9:52:00 AM  

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