Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where do I begin?
I had a very good trip home. It was nice to visit with family and friends.
My niece is so darn cute. If she lived nearby we would most definitely be buddies. She is very funny. She loves to sing and repeats every word.
She loves watching her shows on tv and adores Calliou. I was able to go to Redeemer two weekends in a row and hung out with the young adults group on Friday night. I am clearly not a young adult anymore, but I stayed out unti midnight with them! Too funny.

The 20 year class reunion was good. It was nice to see everyone and visit. We had a pretty decent turn out and I would say that most people interacted with everyone. The faces were familiar looking but I did not remember a few names. It was hard to catch up in a few hours for 20 years, but it was nice. It was nice to see good friends and pretty nice to be able to pick up where you left off years ago.
I bought a pretty fall wreath for my mom's headstone and spent some time at the cemetery. There was a fresh grave a few plots over. The dirt and flowers were from the day before. I just sat for awhile and thought about the transformation that has taken place in ten years. I pulled out and went to the family church. I will always call it the family church even though noone in my immediate family attends. It is the place of marriages, baptisms, and funerals for three generations. I bumped into a family friend that used to live across the street from my grandparents farm on Post Road. She mentioned that she attended the mass I had in honor of their anniversary on August 19th, That was divine appointment surely.


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