Tuesday, May 30, 2006


My curiosity always gets the best of me, I heard that we were supplying high-energy biscuits to the earthquake victims. What exactly do they put in these in these high-energy biscuits? Surprisingly there are several articles giving me the extra information I need.

High Protein Biscuits
Levels of essential vitamins and minerals in high protein biscuits provided by the EC are specified. The biscuits made of cereals, vegetable fats, sugar, vegetable or dairy proteins, dried milk and added vitamins and minerals are to provide 60-80 percent of the RDA per 100 grams.
Check out what they are calling First Strike Rations. To be eaten by soldiers during the first 72 hours of a war. First Strike Rations
I wish I made more time to read this complete article, but a student from Tufts University wrote his entire thesis on Humanitarian Daily Rations Research

Which reminds me I need to order my books for school in two weeks. No more browsing - I need to get moving! Have a great day.


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