Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Update on Blake:

We have some good news and some not as good news! The good news is that a good donor has been located for a transplant and their sample should be arriving from Germany on Thursday to be tested in the lab at our hospital here. If all goes as planned then we could be looking at doing the transplant by the end of February. Thank you for praying over this and we are thankful that God has provided a good potential donor.

The not so good news is that they continue to find leukemia cells in Blake’s central nervous system. That means lumbar punctures twice a week and now that he has had at least 15 of them he is getting a build up of scar tissue where they usually insert the needle. That is why as soon as his platelet count comes up they want to put a port in his head that they can use to administer the chemo. It is called a Ommaya Reservoir and would be inserted somewhere on the top of his head. While we are not very excited about having a port put in his head, we also don’t like the prospect of continuing the lumbar punctures.

Please pray that this chemo will be able to clear his nervous system to prepare him for the transplant and also pray for his spirits – he thought this would be a short stay of about five days that has turned into three weeks and we are not sure when and if he can come home even after that. He has likely already spent about 100 days in the hospital. We know that it is your prayers that have gotten him through this far and will carry him through until he is cured – so thank you for continuing to keep him covered! You are a blessing to us!

The Daughter has dorve four hours with the instructor. She is very confident, she did make the commet that while driving there are many things to be thinking about. She drove on the highwayand paralleled parked yesterday. She drove a round-about and in the mall parking lot. She is making great progress.

finished it
It is a YA book - but I still thoroghly enjoyed the hours I spent listening to the story.
I am contemplating sending an entry to this.

I am now reading this... Amish Documentary
Rumspringa; To Be or Not to Be Amish
Opening lines of Chapter One

It will be around 30 today. :)


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