Tuesday, May 02, 2006

sprouts are sprouting

Good news things are sprouting.
The row of radish I planted about two weeks ago is up about ¼ of an inch. I gently pushed the dirt up next to them in case the temps reach freeing throughout the night.
This year I decided to start seedlings inside the house. I have tried this in the past, but with no prevail.
HOWEVER, this year I thought like a child and a science project!
I built a small green house out of this. Official product endorsement…

Earthbound Farm Organic Mixed Baby Greens Clamshell Package (aka instant green house!)
I filled it up with a inch or so of potting soil, just enough water to make it damp and a few rows of seeds… Within one week my green house has sprouts two inches high.
I will transplant them outside some next week. - But I have squash, beets and collard greens seedlings ready!
It is Spring!


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