Monday, May 06, 2019

Teen Vogue get's it wrong

There is controversy brewing on a recent article in Teen Vogue.
Former prostitutes are taking Teen Vogue to task in a big way for an op-ed it published last week titled, Why sex work is real work — essentially a defense of trading sex for money and a call for decriminalizing it worldwide.

Vogue calls for STEM jobs and equal pay for equal work and then publishes trash like this.

This is bullshit.
Please do not advocate for any teens to enter the world of prostitution.
It is dangerous.
It has additional second, and third order of effects.
Shame on you.
Change the tone of your conversations and your messages.
Promote healthy and safe thoughts.

Want to get in touch with a specific member of the Teen Vogue team? Email us!
I sent them a note with my thoughts.
This the wrong message for my nieces, granddaughter, and young women in my life.


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