Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Journal Keeper- A Memoir
By Phyllis Theroux
one of my favorite excerts from the book
An author was asking people what they thought was there purpose…
He asked the question of an Orthodox priest in Greece after his sermon.
The priest said, “I am glad you asked. For me the answer is found in an experience I had as a young shepherd. One of my sheep had gotten lost, and I searched all over until I had came to a cave. I couldn’t see into it but I had a bit of metal and I angled it to reflect the sun and the rays lit up the interior, where I saw the lamb in back of the cave. Since then I have thought this is what I want to do – shine light into other people’s lives.”
He asked the question of an Orthodox priest in Greece after his sermon.
The priest said, “I am glad you asked. For me the answer is found in an experience I had as a young shepherd. One of my sheep had gotten lost, and I searched all over until I had came to a cave. I couldn’t see into it but I had a bit of metal and I angled it to reflect the sun and the rays lit up the interior, where I saw the lamb in back of the cave. Since then I have thought this is what I want to do – shine light into other people’s lives.”
“I loved this singularly honest and graceful book. The Journal Keeper reminds us that there is no such thing as an ordinary moment, and certainly no such thing as an ordinary life.” —Elizabeth Gilbert, best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love