Monday, August 31, 2020

service on the lawn

 Visited Community Congregational Church in Absarokee, Montana.

It is warm enough to have a few more outside. But not many.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host;

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.



 There is more to my story. And that is a good thing. I have moved towards a gift and it is amazing and freeing.  I sometimes hear a faint whisper of the ney sayer but I am not listening. I am grabbing on to a dream that was always inside of me but awakened a few years ago.  Yes, I had to go through a few stages of refinement and yes I had to pay attention.  People, places, time, and gifts. This place is rural. I am finding gifts at each turn. 

New Favorite - The Book of Longings

 I am absolutely in love with this book.  Sue Monk Kidd- your words are mesmerizing.

Yes, this is Fiction.  Enjoy the words.

Do not over think it.

Peace. Shalom.

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This is all new and I am taking it all in!


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Simple reminders

The new backyard.

This Fall a heard of Big Horn Sheep will come down the mountain and stay in the valley for the most of winter.  This is such a big deal that they have placed signs to warn of the crossing.  I have heard it is magical. 

True shirt!

The Rapids

 This is maybe 15 minutes from the new house and it is breathtaking.  I cannot wait to do some more exploring.   I find gifts in every direction.

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