Tuesday, June 11, 2019


The Secret Life of Pets 2 is very sweet.
It was fun to watch and we both enjoyed it.
On Sunday we went to see Holmes on Kirkland AFB.
Not so cute, some funny moments but I am not a Will Farrell fan.
It was the first time he had ever been to the military movie theater where you watch  PSAs about Airmen and teamwork. And where they play the National Anthem before the movie starts and you stand.
We did go to the bowling alley. Military bases and bowling alleys.
Like Peas and Carrots.

Sunday, June 09, 2019

change - I must

A week ago I took a PT test.
Positive results for the books but the self talk was brutal.
I have discovered I am low estrogen and that explains the additional 7 pounds and low energy I have been carrying around. I am beginning to make some changes  - in a few very specific areas I am very unhappy/disappointed.
Flax Seed
More Nuts
More Fish
Leafy Vegetables
More Water.
Another almost weeks of my life have blazed by.
This week though I get to have my nephew stay with me for a week.
We are just hanging out. Movies, zoo, pool, basketball, church, and who knows what else.
I took him to trivia night and he had the answer to a black mamba snake question (their mouths are black they are not).
I brought him to see HP and the office.
Horses, petroglyphs, Pottery, science musuems, and rafting have been turned down.